6 Chatbot Templates In Arabic To Propel Your Real Estate Business

6 Chatbot Templates In Arabic To Propel Your Real Estate Business
Free-flowing and engaging templates make for the best chatbots. Here are 6 such real-estate templates in Arabic from 6 different use cases that can help you serve your prospects with ease!
After living through the pandemic, the real estate market is bouncing back up. While more buyers are searching for properties in the Middle East, they are expecting more residential projects to be made available. In fact, as many as 3.96 million housing units will be in demand in Saudi Arabia by as soon as next year! But to no surprise, your prospects are more likely doing their research online before stepping out to look for properties.
You can make their research easier with a chatbot that answers all their questions. Here are some of the free real estate chatbot templates in Arabic that you can use to design your chatbot’s workflows.
Additionally, you can also download a compiled copy below that includes all these templates for FREE.
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6 free real estate chatbot templates to design a resourceful chatbot in Arabic
We have identified 6 common use cases in real-estate in the Middle East that your conversational AI chatbot can be helpful for. Here are 6 free real estate chatbot templates you can use. For clarity, “B” refers to the bot and “U” refers to the user. Now, let’s get into them!
1. Engage prospects

When your users first interact with your brand online, it becomes essential for you to engage and keep them gripped with proactive communication. It can lower your bounce rates and prevent customers from hopping onto the next available option. Here’s how sample real estate chatbot templates go:
B: Hi, welcome to [company name]. How can I help you today? - Just browsing the website - Explore properties - Register a complaint - Talk to an agent U: Just browsing the website B: Great, let me know if you need any help! U: Thanks!
B: مرحبًا بكم في [اسم الشركة]. كيف يمكنني مساعدتك؟ - مجرد تصفح الموقع - اكتشف العقارات - سجل شكوى - تحدث إلى ممثل خدمة العملاء U: مجرد تصفح الموقع B: رائع ، أعلمني إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي مساعدة! U: شكرا
2. Generate leads

Your chatbot can be a full-power lead generator for your business. Here’s sample real estate chatbot templates:
B: Hello, thank you for choosing [company name]. B: Please help me with your requirements. B: How much is your budget? U: AED 600000 B: Okay, and how many rooms are you looking for? U: I am looking for a 3 bedroom apartment. B: Got it. What is your preferred residential locality? U: I want an apartment on Al Firdous Road. B: Thank you! Here are some properties to suit your requirements
U: مرحبا اريد استكشاف العقارات B: مرحبًا ، شكرًا لاختيارك [اسم الشركة]. B: الرجاء مساعدتي بمشاركة متطلباتك. B: كم هي ميزانيتك؟ U: 600000 درهم B: حسنًا ، وكم عدد الغرف التي تبحث عنها؟ U:أبحث عن شقة 3 غرف نوم. B: فهمتك. ما هي المنطقة السكنية المفضلة لديك؟ U: اريد شقة على طريق الفردوس. B: شكرا لك! فيما يلي بعض المنازل التي تناسب متطلباتك
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3. Schedule appointments

Once your user has checked out the properties suggested, your chatbot can even go ahead and schedule field visits for your customers. Here is one of the free real estate chatbot templates:
U: I would like to check out this property B: Great. Would you like me to schedule a visit to the property? U: Yes please B: Okay. Please select your preferred date. - 1/12/21 - 2/12/21 - 4/12/21 - Custom date U: 2/12/21 B: Okay. Please select your preferred time of the day. - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM U: 2:00 PM B: Thank you for your confirmation. I have booked your visit for 2nd December at 2:00 PM. B: I have also sent a confirmation to your registered email U: Thanks!
U: أود معرفة المزيد عن هذا العقار B: رائعة. هل تريد مني تحديد موعد لزيارة العقار؟ U: نعم من فضلك B: تمام. من فضلك قل لي التاريخ ووقت الموعد المفضل لديك؟ - 1/12/21 - 2/12/21 - 4/12/21 - تاريخ مخصص U: 2 ديسمبر B: تمام. الرجاء تحديد الوقت المفضل لديك من اليوم. - مساء 1:00 - مساء 2:00 - مساء 4:00 U: مساء 2:00 B: شكرا لكم لتأكيد الحجز. لقد حجزت زيارتك اليوم الثاني من كانون الأول (ديسمبر) الساعة 2:00 ظهرًا. B: لقد أرسلت أيضًا تأكيدًا إلى البريد الإلكتروني المسجل الخاص بك. U: شكرا!
4. Give virtual property viewings

As an added capability, you can also train your real estate chatbot to give virtual tours of a property to the user. Here’s how one of the sample real estate chatbot templates look like:
U: Can you tell me more about this place? B: Absolutely. This property has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a living room. U: Okay, but is there a way I can get a virtual tour of the property? B: Most definitely. Please give me a moment. B: Please click on the link below and you will be redirected to the virtual tour of this property. Hope this helps! B: <link>
U: هل يمكنك إخباري بالمزيد عن هذا المكان؟ B: طبعاً. يضم هذا العقار 4 غرف نوم و 3 حمامات وغرفة معيشة. U: حسنًا ، ولكن هل هناك طريقة يمكنني من خلالها الحصول على جولة افتراضية في العقار؟ B: بالتأكيد. من فضلك أعطني لحظة. B: الرجاء استخدام هذا الرابط لإعادة توجيهك إلى الجولة الافتراضية لهذا العقار. آمل أن يكون هذا سيساعدك! B: <link>
5. Onboard clients

Now when your users are ready to buy a property, there will be rounds of paperwork and document verification. Conversational AI can streamline this process from point A to B. Take a look at one of the real-estate chatbot templates
U: I love this place and want to go ahead with the purchase B: Happy to know! To get started, I will need a copy of your Emirates ID and passport. After that, we'll perform a basic verification of the documents. U: <sends documents> B: You have completed step 1 of buying your new home! Please expect our team to get in touch with you within 24 hours.
U: أنا أحب هذا المكان أريد المضي قدمًا في الشراء B: سعداء لمعرفة هذا ! في البداية، أحتاج إلى نسخة من بطاقة الهوية الإماراتية وجواز السفر. بعد ذلك ، سنقوم بإجراء تحقيق أساسي من المستندات. U: <sends documents> B: لقد أكملت الخطوة الأولى في شراء منزلك الجديد! يُرجى توقع اتصال فريقنا بك في غضون 24 ساعة.
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6. Get feedback and ask for referrals

As you near the end of the conversation, your chatbot can also ask for customer feedback and even encourage them to refer a family or friend for better deals. Here’s how an example real-estate chatbot template would look like.
B: Thanks for your time, [name]. We would be glad to hear your feedback. On a scale of 1 to 4, how would you rate this conversation? 1. Bad 2. Alright 3. Good 4. Excellent U: 3 B: We are happy to know you liked our service. B: If you are interested in our referral program, we offer a 30% discount on painting services from a successful referral. You can let your friends and family use your code "[username]001" on a successful transaction to avail the offer! U: Thanks!
B: شكرا على وقتك يا اسماء. سنكون سعداء لسماع ملاحظاتك. على مقياس من 1 إلى 4 ، كيف تقيم هذه المحادثة 1. سيء 2. مقبول 3. حسن 4. ممتاز U: 3 B: يسعدنا معرفة أنك أحببت خدمتنا. B: إذا كنت مهتمًا ببرنامج ترشيحات الآخرين الخاص بنا ، فنحن نقدم خصمًا بنسبة 30٪ على خدمات الطلاء من عند عملية ترشيح ناجحة. يمكنك السماح لأصدقائك وعائلتك باستخدام هذا الرمز الخاص للاستفادة من العرض "[username]001" U: شكرا!
More on real estate WhatsApp chatbots: WhatsApp Chatbot for Real Estate with Top 8 Use Cases
Get a real estate chatbot that answers every property related question
Buying real estate is a huge investment. More often than not, people scrutinise every possible detail before going ahead with a purchase. This is why being available every waking (and sleeping) hour becomes crucial for real estate companies. Use these real estate chatbot templates to design a bot that answers every question your users ask you at any point of time.
We, at Verloop.io, understand how specific use cases are in the real estate industry, which is why we have trained our conversational AI using ML models to answer queries in-line with what your users need. Give it a try by booking a free demo.