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Introducing Voice by Verloop.io – A Conversational Gain

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Introducing Voice by Verloop.io – A Conversational Gain

Introducing Voice by Verloop.io – A Conversational Gain

How many times have you wanted to ask (literally) your food delivery support “Where is my food?” instead of typing the same?

How many times have you wished you could just scream at your Alexa or Siri, and get to know that IFSC code (for the nth time) without having to type it in as a query? 

We’ve all experienced it: the dreaded customer service phone call and start-and-forget conversations in our chat rooms. You stay on the line, playing the waiting game until an agent finally connects with you. Or, start a conversation and juggle multiple tabs, and end up forgetting that you have an agent waiting for you to solve your problem.

Fortunately, conversational support automation has revolutionised the customer service game, making your support informal, intuitive, and immediate.

As chatbot becomes the primary destination for customer service, businesses also need to enable customers to talk to them candidly. But remember, it needs to be conversational.

Say Hi to Voice by Verloop.io.

When it comes to customer support, conversation is of the essence. In addition to providing the right platform to converse, you have to enable your customers to effectively utilise it to reach out to you.

To save your customers’ time when they are trying to seek your support on channels like WhatsApp or Facebook, Verloop.io has launched Voice that will help your customers have free-flowing conversations with you, transcribe their conversations for your bot and send the bot response back to your customer.

This will increase customer interaction with your support – and most importantly, allow customers to deeply express themselves.

Studies suggest that voice saves about 10x time as compared to typing.

But this doesn’t mean leaving your bots on their own to decode or replace diligent customer service professionals with an army of transcribers and annotators.

Suggested Reading: How to communicate proactively with customers using support automation

How can Voice by Verloop.io help?

Allow Customers to Deeply Express Themselves

When it comes to customer communication, many support teams tap into multi-channel automation tools to be available for customers across all platforms. Having an omnichannel, 24*7 is a reliable way to express that you are available for your customers no matter what time of the day it is or where they are. 

Suggested Reading: What is Omnichannel Support?

While leveraging multiple channels for customer support, the means of communication should also play a part in your customer support strategy. That’s why we’ve made it really easy for your customers to communicate with you deeply and transparently on platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook using Voice by Verloop.io.

With a simple click and record button, customers can quickly record and share their thoughts and concerns on WhatsApp to seek assistance from your support team. And when your bot receives the voice note, it is delivered as a transcribed text which your bot can use to understand user intent and concern. 

“So what’s in it for my customers?”, you may ask. 

Well, customers can explain their concerns in detail without having to think too much about how to frame their sentences. They do not have to fret about the grammar, punctuations, or anything that they would care about otherwise. Hence, communication becomes simple and transparent without taking a lot of mind work. 

Break-free from monotonous texts

Your customers don’t have to type their concerns in the middle of something. Adding to it, the very nature of people to always multi-task makes them want to get things done faster.

With Voice by Verloop.io, they can simply pick their phone and send out a voice note as they would send to their friends.

Using Voice by Verloop.io, customers can schedule appointments, book tickets, organise and modify meetings, check balance, get account details, set reminders, etc.

This reduces the waiting time significantly. This means less waiting time for bots and customers because customers don’t have to spend time typing lengthy sentences.

Suggested Reading: The Rise of Conversational Commerce

Delete the language barrier for better customer communication

Language proficiency shouldn’t stop your customers from reaching out to you. Voice enables customers who are less proficient at a particular language to still interact and communicate their concerns with you.

What more do you want when voice chatbots also enable differently-abled folks to voice out their concerns effortlessly without having to rely on others?

Keeping this in mind, Verloop.io supports multiple languages such as Hindi, Tamil, English, Bahasa, Spanish, and Arabic. This is especially important since you, as a business, need to be available for customers from different parts of the world.

Suggested Reading: Scale Your Operations Overseas With A Multilingual Chatbot

Over to you

Creating delightful customer service and better customer experience is possible when chatbots can normalise customer communication better.

If strong customer service is key to your business, it’s likely that you’ve spent countless hours – and dollars – building a stellar customer support team and tech-stack to augment the same.

It’s no secret that creating a delightful customer experience is hard work and costly which means that the pressure is constantly on to maximize engagement, satisfy and deliver great support with every service you extend. And Voice by Verloop.io, lets you just do that!

If you’d like to see how this feature benefits your business and what use cases you can implement in your chatbot, let’s talk!

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