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Verloop.io Integrates with Clevertap for Functional and Effective Customer Service

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Verloop.io Integrates with Clevertap for Functional and Effective Customer Service

Conversational marketing is on the rise. No wonder, marketers love chatbots interacting and engaging with the customers on the website in the most human-like way possible. 

Today, AI-powered chatbots not only share templatised responses with the customers but also engage with them in the most contextual manner. 

AI-powered chatbots with NLP capabilities understand the context of the conversation, have a fair amount of background information about the customer before initiating a conversation. This makes chatbots the best buddies Marketing CRMs can ever have. 

On the other hand, with each conversation with the customer, Marketing CRM also gathers the latest inputs, details and behavioural choices about the customer, enriching the profile of the customer. It is therefore a win-win scenario for both chatbots and the marketing CRMs.

And we at Verloop.io wanted to leverage this relationship in the best possible way for our customers irrespective of the size and industry they belong to.

Need for integrating Marketing CRM and an AI-Powered Chatbot

Is this a sudden move along the course of digital transformation? Surely not!

71% of customers today prefer a uniform customer experience across channels. Also, 67% of poor customer service incidents happen due to a lack of knowledge or multiple interactions with the agents. 56% of consumers say tailored engagement based on past interactions is very important. 

This makes integrating a marketing CRM with a chatbot solution a must-have for forward-looking businesses of today. While a marketing CRM collates all useful data points and information about a customer, a chatbot can be leveraged as a great channel to put that data into use and maximise business opportunities. This is exactly why we integrate Clevertap with Verloop.io. 

But before that let us understand why it is so important to have such integrations in place. 

Here are 4 reasons why it makes absolute sense for businesses to integrate a marketing CRM and an AI-powered chatbot solution:
  1. Unified Customer Profile: Knowing your customers has become supercritical in this digital native age. Customer data is spread across various touchpoints and channels including email, social media, messenger apps, purchase patterns and transactions. Collating all this information ensures that chatbots/agents have sufficient information (a unified customer profile in front of them) before a conversation starts. 
unified customer view
Agents get a 360-degree customer profile while chatting with them
  1. High Efficiency: An AI-powered chatbot integrated with a CRM fetches all crucial customer information mapped to a specific customer ID and lets the agents/chatbots know instantly without any delays. As a result of this, chatbots can be trained for highly efficient and accurate chat flows to convert prospects into leads and customers.  Thereby making the lead generation and customer retention process absolutely smooth.
  1. Continuous Customer Engagement: From instant replies to drop-offs at particular product pages, past chat history, concerns and complaints – almost everything can be known beforehand and addressed immediately. Looking at these customer touchpoints and previous interaction with the brand, an email campaign, outreach campaign or special discounted price for the product can be shared with the customer therefore continuously engaging the customer.
Businesses can personalise their campaign messaging with marketing CRM integration
  1. Increased Customer Loyalty: Since customer queries and issues can be addressed immediately, a customer trusts the brand (business) more than before. This customer loyalty ensures that customers keep coming back to the business increasing the Customer Lifetime Value.

Verloop.io and Clevertap Integration

Relationships are a key to the growth of any business. Integrating a marketing CRM with a chatbot as a part of a support automation strategy is a step towards strengthening the relationship between the vendor and the customers to maximise revenue potential.

Clevertap is a marketing CRM that enables businesses to build amazing mobile experiences by combining real-time behavioural analytics, a powerful segmentation engine, and a suite of engagement tools.

Therefore enabling the integration of a powerful Marketing CRM such as Clevertap made obvious sense. We have ready-to-deploy APIs for enabling Clevertap over top of your Verloop.io’s chatbot. All you have to do is install the APIs and get started.

The customer information and data can be pulled into the Smart Plugins widget available on the Verloop.io platform for agents to view and fetch information from. This makes it super simple for agents to have user information as soon as a chat is initiated with a customer.

Similarly, you can use data from customer interactions during a chatbot conversation to improve your audience segmentation. With this information, you can schedule and set up campaigns across various channels within a chatbot (For more details, read here)

To know more about how this integration can be enabled for your business, book a demo with us here

Verloop.io provides 100+ tech integrations including payments, marketing CRMs, ticketing systems, workflow automation, etc. for businesses to support their tech stack. This has helped businesses to seamlessly integrate their chatbot solution without disturbing their existing tech integrations and rather reaping the most benefits out of the chatbot.

conversational AI support
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