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Chatbot4u Looks Dead, What Happens Now?

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Chatbot4u Looks Dead, What Happens Now?

Update: We have an update for Chatbot4u’s status in 2019, read about it here.

What’s the story behind Chatbot4u?

Chatbot4U used to be the only website where anyone could create an infinite amount of chatbots and share them online or on instant messengers.

There was no limit to the amount of knowledge that could be created. The once-popular behemoth fell off the face of the internet, just as the chatbot boom seemed to arrive.

Despite repeated promises by admins on their Facebook and Twitter handles, the site never came back online. Founded in 2008, their control over the domain name “chatbot4u” lasts until the end of the ‘18.

What do fans do now?

This home of 70,000+ bots is now in a terminal condition, so what alternatives exist?

We identified various substitutes to sites that help you build bots across the web, but none of them is as easy as Chatbot4u.

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Introducing verloop.io, a site that lets you build bots with up to 25,000 monthly messages for free. Founded in September 2016, verloop.io is an automated customer engagement tool, which was built from the ashes of Chatbot4u. Our chatbots offer up to 20% conversion rate on leads, far above the industry average of 3% on simple web forms.

Why Chatbots?

Research has shown that the average American spends over five hours a day on their phone, with that number being higher for developing countries like China and India. A majority of this time is spent on messaging apps on what is considered the “Messaging Big 4” (WhatsApp, Messenger, WeChat, and Viber), so much so that messaging has officially surpassed social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin) in user count. Companies that solely rely on social media will die out. Just like companies who solely used traditional media outlets did just a few years ago.

And that’s not stopping anytime soon since according to Gartner, chatbots will power 85% of all customer service interactions by the year 2020. In fact, the average person will soon have more conversations with bots than with their spouse.

Suggested Reading: Alternatives to Chatbot4u

The Future.

So in short? Forget those half-developed bots, come to Verloop.io. Soon, chatbots will be almost indistinguishable from their human counterparts, if anything, even better.


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